Cheap Car Insurance – PMD

Cheap Car Insurance – PMD

With the cost of living constantly on the increase the thought of canceling your car insurance might seem like a good idea. If you are still paying installments on your car then do not even consider canceling your car insurance.

Instead of canceling your car insurance you might want to shop around to get a new car insurance quote. That is another mission altogether. It takes about 20 minutes to get a quote from an insurance company on the phone then, in the end, you might not be happy with the quote they offer you.

And if you are not happy with the quote and opt not to sign up with the company you called then you can expect two or three weeks of calls from that insurance company bugging you to sign up with them.

You can also opt to use Hippo for comparative insurance quotes they do all that work for you. But you will also get calls from a Hippo agent asking you what quote you will be going for. Read more about getting insurance quotes.

If you are in a bind and need to cut cost instead of canceling your car insurance completely you might take a look at what Prime Meridian Direct (PMD) has to offer for car insurance. The insurance might not be comprehensive but at least your car will be covered in case the worst happens then you not left stranded.

Prime Meridian Direct (PMD) Products

PMD has two popular car insurance packages with additional add-ons depending on what you can afford.

The Prime Motorthrift Cover

  • This covers total loss through natural fire & disaster, theft & hijacking and accidental write-off.
  • Covers 3rd party vehicle liability protection up to R500 000 per incident.
  • No vehicle inspection required.

Optional benefits

  • Nationwide roadside assistance 24-hours. (This comes with optional mechanical & electrical warranty and minor dents & scratch protection.)
  • Accident Contribution Benefit – provides growing cover for smaller accidents.
  • Dent & Scratch repair cover.
  • Windscreen repair cover.
  • Storage and towing of the vehicle when written-off.

This plan starts at R494pm.

Prime Motor Covergrow

  • This plan covers 3rd party vehicle liability up to R500 000 per incident.
  • Covers growing cover for accidents and losses.  (Your cover will grow over the years if you claim free but if the cost might be more than what is in your kitty then you will have to pay for repairs out of your pocket.)
  • No vehicle inspection required.
  • offers four plans that you can choose from.

Optional on this plan is total loss through natural fire & disaster, theft & hijacking, accidental write-off, and nationwide 24-hour roadside assistance.

Optional benefits

  • Loss through natural fire & disaster, theft & hijacking, accidental write-off.
  • Nationwide roadside assistance 24-hours.
  • Refund for car hire as required.
  • Storage and towing of the vehicle when written-off.

This plan starts at R165pm.

PMD Guarantees

  • No premium increases ever!
  • Covers drivers from 19 years old
  • No vehicle inspections

Visit PMD or call 011 745 7800 to get a quote.