Keep Your Car Roadworthy For Insurance

Keep Your Car Roadworthy For Insurance

Keeping your car in good order or roadworthy can be quite expensive. Not only do you have to keep your car roadworthy for you and the safety of other road users, but also for the insurance.  If you make an accident with your car and it, not in a roadworthy condition your insurance company can refuse to pay your insurance claim. This can leave you in a financial predicament.

Check The Following On Your Car:

So make sure that your car is in good running and in roadworthy condition check the following:

  • Tires – There’s enough tread on all four tires
  • Wipers – Your wiper blades wipe clean and that the blades are not damaged
  • Breaks – Most important, make sure that the front and rear breaks are in good order. Most people just focus on replacing the front pads.
  • Hand break – Many cars have rolled away after the owners left the car park
  • Seat Belts – Make sure the clips work and that there is no ruffle on the belts
  • Doors and door handles – Make sure that all doors can open in case of emergency
  • Fuel tank cap – Make sure that you have a fuel tank cap, do not drive without one
  • Lights – Make sure all the lights work on the car, most important the brake lights

Reasons Why Your Claim Might Be Rejected:

  • Unlicensed driver
  • Unroadworthy vehicle
  • Reckless driving
  • Drunk driving
  • The driver, not the “regular driver” – Make sure you state you else might be driving your car from time to time
  • A vehicle used for business
  • Fraud – Lying or tampering with the vehicle after the accident

What To Do In Case You Feel Your Claim Is Unfairly Rejected:

Contact the Insurance Ombudsman for assistance.


It might cost you a pretty penny to keep your car in tip-top shape but in the long run, it will a benefit in case something unforeseen happens to you while you on the road.

Safe driving.

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