NedLoans Personal Loans

Get A Personal Loan From NedLoans (Nedbank Namibia)

It is good to find that a Financial Service Provider like Nedbank supports responsible lending. They are basically looking out for your best interest. Before Nedbank grant a loan, they make sure that you will be able to afford the loan. That way you are not getting yourself into financial difficulty.

Let’s face it without personal loans we will not be able to achieve our dreams or acquire the things we need in life. When you do make a personal loan make sure that you pay it off as per the contract. This will help with your credit rating and will help you to open accounts or apply for other loans in the future.

Nedloans offer and assist government and employers with a monthly income with personal loans from N$1500 up to N$100 000. You can use the loan for whatever purpose. Study fees, home upgrades, farm upgrades, or for any household items like furniture or appliances.

The Benefits Of A Nedloan

  • You do not worry about repayments. Monthly payment directly deducted from your salary.
  • Payments offered from 12 to 60 months.
  • Payment limited to one-third of your salary in line with the labour act.
  • Loan insurance in case if retrenchment, disability or death.

How To Qualify For A Loan With Nedloans

  • Must have a permanent job by an approved employer.
  • Applicant must be 21 years of age.
  • You must be a Namibian citizen.
  • No insolvent or persons under garnishee order or administration may apply.
  • Your salary must not be less than N$1000.00 after loan installment.

Documentation Required To Apply

  • Namibian ID document/Passport/Drivers license or birth certificate.
  • Copy of your payslip not older than one month.
  • Three-month bank statement indicating your salary deposits and residential address.
  • Copy of married certificate if married.
  • The consent of your spouse if married in community of property.

Nedloan Assistance

  • Nedloans can also be used to clean your ITC record or they will also assist in consolidating ITC debt.

What To Remember When Making A Personal Loan

  • Be honest with the lender. Do not lie about your income or your finances.
  • Do an income and expense sheet what loan amount you can afford.
  • Remember that other unexpected financial emergencies can also happen over the period you take to pay off the loan.
  • Do not overextend yourself financially.
  • If you do find that you struggling to pay your debt rather contact your lenders and explain the situation and make arrangements to maybe pay less till you back on your feet again.

How To Apply

To apply for a Nedloan you can visit any Nedbank Namibia branch countrywide Click Here for a list of branches or call 081 127 3051 .

Read Manage Your Money.