Payday Loans 10 Online Websites
10 Payday Online Loans Websites
Are you cash-strapped? Do not have the time to visit a cash lender? Looking for quick payday loans online application? Here is a list of 10 websites that provide quick payday loans online that will assist you financially till the end of the month.
Most of the online loan providers application process is simple and will take you less than ten minutes to complete the online application form. Most of the online loan providers will provide you with cash within 24 hours once you are approved.
Wonga South Africa
- Provide flexible loans from R500 up to R4000
- Repayment terms up to 6 months
- Apply for Wonga Online Loan
- Easy stress-free loans
- Provide loans up to R3000
- Loan approval in minutes
- You receive the cash the same day
- Repayment option fixed up to 6 months
- Apply for Cobal Online Loan
- Offers simple, quick loans
- Provide loans from R500 up to R3000
- Money transferred directly into your bank account
- Repayment terms up to 45 days
- Quick and easy online loan application process
- Apply for Loanzie Online loan
- Loans approved within 5 minutes
- Provide loans from R300 up to R3780
- Repayment options from 4 days up to 35 days
- Offers loyalty program to regular clients
- Money paid directly into your bank account
- Apply for Lime24 Online Loan
Little Loans
- Provide loans from R500 up to R8000
- Must be over 21 years of age
- Application is free
- Send your application to multiple lenders
- No paperwork
- Apply for Little Loan Online Loan
- Fast and easy loan application
- Provide loans from R100 up to R3000
- Repayment up to 32 days
- Quick application process
- Get cash with 2 hours if the application is approved
- Apply for a Boodle Online Loan
Wanna Loan
- Paperless cash loans
- Provide loans from R500 up to R3000
- Repayment options up to 37 days
- First five days interest-free
- Loan amount paid out within one hour after approval
- Apply for a Wanna Loan Online Loan
Mulah Quick Ching
- Quick and easy short term loans
- Provide loans from R500 up to R4000
- Repayment up to 30 days
- Register online to make application
- Quick approval process
- Money deposit straight into your bank account
- Fixed interest rate
- Apply for a Mulah Online Loan
Braamfin Loans
- Easy loan application
- Provide loans from R1000 up to R8000
- Repayment options 3 to 6 monthly installments
- Payments are done by debit order
- Apply for a BraamFin Online Loan
Easy Pay Day
- 3 Simple steps application process
- Provide loans up to R2500
- Repayment option up to 30 days
- Free online application no obligation to take the loan
- Money paid out within 24 hours into your bank account
- Apply for an Easy Pay Day Online Loan
Information Required For Loan Applications
You must provide the following information when making a loan application
You must have a South African ID document, cell phone number, proof of address not older than 3 months, a South African bank account, and a Three-month salary slip. Make sure that you have this documentation ready when making your loan application.
Calculate Your Budget
Make sure that you will be able to afford to pay the loan provider back. Important check your repayment options. Some of the loan providers’ loans must be paid back in 30 days of providing you with the loan.
Read 5 Long-Term Online Loan Websites.