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Pay Off Your Debt and Start Saving:

Debt, we cannot live without it. House, car, clothing account, the newest tech. We must have all these things in our lives and to get it we must make debt. Unfortunately once you in the debt trap, it is hard to break free from it. So, how do you get debt under control so that you can start saving?

Steps To Get Out Of Debt:

  • Stop Making Debt

To pay off your debt you must stop making debt this is the first step. Cancel or block your store cards. Cancel credit cards only keep one card active for emergencies. Avoid small loans. Cancel any unnecessary subscriptions or contracts of any kind. Go prepaid for your airtime and data. Stop wanting the latest phone. The only acceptable form of debt is a home loan, vehicle loan, student loan or business loan.

  • Cash is King

Changing your spending habits play an important part in paying off your debt. It is easy to access credit. The temptation to buy what we want on credit is like second nature we do not think twice. To stop this habit you need to change the way you spend. To start only buy items you want cash if you cannot afford it cash then save for it. Only make use of credit in case of emergencies. This may occur due to unforeseen circumstances.

  • Create a Plan To Pay Off Debt

Work on a plan to settle your debt. Start with an account that has the lease amount still owing on it. Try to pay more than the monthly installment. Then work your way to the other accounts. Use the money from the accounts you already settled to pay off the accounts quicker. If you are already struggling to pay your debt the consider debt counseling. You may also try consolidating you’re and pay off one installment.

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  • Saving Plans

After you settled the debt you will have more income at your disposal. Open a saving plan for each item or project you want to save money for. Also, have a saving account for emergencies to accommodate for those unforeseen expenses.
Investments – If you read this and have you no investments yet, then start today. Investments are for long term saving. The sooner you start investing the better. Invest in a retirement fund, education fund or endowment plan. The sooner you invest the more money you will have for your future or retirement.

  • Insurance

Having insurance can be a burden on your budget. But insurance safe cards you against any financial strain. In case of an accident with your car, death or any other calamity that might cost you extra cash. Make sure that your insurance covers your needs and that you are not underinsured.

Do you need help to manage your debt?

Contact: Consumer Debt Help

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